Monday, April 4, 2011

Stalker On RedShirt

ZTwins on Redshirt

*peeps head in door* Ztwins? May I add my two cents on Red Shirts?  

Tramp: I suppose. *blows kisses*

Zaf:  If you must, *taps foot impatiently* like stopping you is even an option. *sighs*

Some might not know the origination of the term "Red Shirt." If they asked their grandparents I’m sure they would bore them with long stories of the 'good old days' where they had to warm up the TV before they could see a picture. I digress. 

Star Trek TOS, for the hipsters. the budget was low for this television series uniforms were possibly washed *eww* and you may have guessed it...the Red Shirt was used over and over by actors who only were in one episode and 9 out of 10 times died.

Why did I decide to bring Red Shirt characters into TwiTwitter?

Well basically to shake it up for the characters. I find the more creative the role player is the more they get out of the red shirt. As a matter of fact, some of our Red Shirts have been better characters, many we fall in love with and mourn their passing.

There have a special few we decide we couldn't let go quietly into the night and like to think they are out there somewhere just waiting to interact with our cast again. *sigh*

A good role-player shouldn't be tied down to one character or one type of character. With the slightest bit of imagination you should be able to role play as a male, female, human, vampire, werewolf, dog, cat, crow, and/or alien. Well you get the point. 

 *points finger toward you* If you (The reader) play only one character or one type of character’re not fooling anyone. We all know your unimaginative and narcissist.

Stalker Rant: No one can follow your characters reasoning; you tweet like no other character could possibly be affected by your actions; you rush the stories pace unnaturally and many times this is after it’s been put on hold waiting for you.*Hiss*   

Tramp: *Kisses Stalker, pulling him back to his room*

Zaf: Move along you freaks nothing to see here…*glares.*

 Stalker:  *grumbling* I think I need to hunt.

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